How To Take Your Photography To The Next Level

When it comes to taking pictures, there is always room for improvement. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned pro, you may need to work on something as simple (or complex) as composition or maybe something a little more detailed such as histograms. In an article by Digital Photography School there are ten tips to take your photography to the next level.
1. Always have a camera in your pocket
2. Your background is as important as the subject
3. Everything is light
4. Treat your work as wine
5. Shoot with your heart first
6. Ask why
7. You are less limited by your gear than you think
8. Let go of technical perfection
9. Think making photographs, not taking pictures
10. Make your photographs sticky
Each of these tips may be more geared towards a photographer earlier in their career or even a hobbies, but the seasoned professional may lose sight of some of these basic tips. Either way, I would recommend a read of this article to learn something new.
