Black and White Photography

Man, have the times have changed. Digital has changed the game of photography in many ways, and black and white photography is not the least of which. Prior to the digital age, you would need to use two separate washes of the film, big bulky camera, and special rooms to actually produce the photo. Now if we compare that to today, many cameras have [in house] black and white photography settings. So, the advantages are in the realm of time. With the way we take black and white photography, ExposureGuide has given us a few tips for better pictures.

1) Slow Down
2) Keep ISO Low
3) Don't Burn Out Your Highlights or Block Up Your Shadows
4) Shoot Raw
5) Understand Tone
6) Light Changes Color
7) Avoid Black and White Conversion Presets

With all of the tips listed above, I'm hoping to take my photography to the next level by introducing and practicing black and white photography. As with all things, it will take practice but with these guidelines and tips, I believe we will see better results.

